
Editorial Guidelines

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The objective of Redacti to offer a self-organizing platform where thoughtful contributors can select and edit from the vast number of news sources available, comment on them and provide the long form analysis missing in social media.

The objective of our content is to provide a readable sample of great content along with real-time in depth commentary that precedes mainstream media outlets. We don’t promote alternative facts and conspiracy theories. We write the stories this week that you’re going to be reading about in the NY Times two weeks or a month from now.

Our audience is the general public. We assume most are adults but they may not be. We do not check ages. We assume most are in US but they may not be. Note that we are not blocked outside of the US but make no effort to be GDPR compliant at this time. We assume most are liberals, but they may not be. Keep the breadth of the potential audience in mind when posting topics and replies.

These are moderated forums. We don’t care what your opinions are. But we will remove posts that do not meet our editorial guidelines, including, but not limited to:

    • Your topic and the work you present must be relevant to the forum you have posted it in. Mis-posted topics will be re-located to the proper forum. Topics posted that are not appropriate to any forum will be removed.
    • Speech that a reasonable person might consider hateful, libel or slander is not permitted. This is not a legal definition. Make your case. Make it strongly. Use profanity if you think it helps your case. But avoid saying things in a way that you know wouldn’t be permitted on social media, wouldn’t be published as a letter to the editor or in a politically neutral magazine or that you wouldn’t say to a friend or colleague who might not agree. Don’t call people names and don’t make statements you know are false. Posts that are may be considered offensive may be removed.
    • Photos, videos and music are encouraged. We consider all of your references to other people’s work to be fair use. Please provide attribution when you can. However, authors that attempt to use our forums as a file sharing medium will be restricted and/or removed.
    • Links to other people’s content are one of the foundations to what we do. However, you can’t simply steal people’s content without attribution. When we hear Stairway to Heaven, we all know it is Led Zeppelin. When you use someone else’s words, without attribution and perhaps even without quotes, you are stealing from them. When possible, use the image from the original publication and provide clear links back to them. Quotes of reasonable lengths are fair use. Your edit has value! Do not copy and paste entire articles, especially when they are behind paywalls.
    • When linking to articles behind paywalls, be mindful that many don’t subscribe. Consider spreading your links around so that handful of free articles most allow per month can be well utilized.


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